* Zero K, thanks to Hurricane Joaquin!

Traveling with Roxy


Trip notes of Molly and Rick with Roxy, our Kodiak Express 172E travel trailer.

Click Here for the full blog.

Carolina Beach State Park

Friday February 16, 2018

CBSP is a special destination for us. It is the site of our first outing with Roxy… and also the location of one of our most unsuccessful trips ever (in which we broke our tent, nearly got locked out of the park, and slept in the back of our car). We couldn’t wait to see what the long, three-day-weekend held in store for us.

The prior weekend, we had un-winterized Roxy, sanitized the water tank, and prepared for the new camping season. Molly booked a primo site at CBSP and we counted down the hours until the Presidents Day weekend.

On Friday morning, we made a last-minute grocery run, packed everything (including the bikes) and hit the road shortly after lunch. Rick made an executive decision to travel along US-701 & US-421 instead of I-40. We don’t drive very fast when we tow, and Molly thought it would be more scenic than taking the interstate. The scenery was nice, but there’s a whole lot of nothing between Clinton and Wilmington.

It only took two tries to successfully back-in (we are getting better, despite what Molly may think). I need to listen to Molly more often (don’t tell her though). When she told me to “stop” I decided to keep going – I wanted us to be as far from the road as possible. As a result, we were too far away from the sewer connection. And we didn’t realize the problem until we were nearly completely set up. Next time I will listen to her!

Our setup.
Our setup.

Friday night’s dinner was hotdogs over the fire beef-in-armor (because we forgot the hotdogs!). A roaring fire and some adult beverages later, we enjoyed the evening (and the cool weather), and were in bed by 9pm.

The view from Sugarloaf Dune
The view from Sugarloaf Dune
We had big plans for Saturday: hiking throughout the park in the morning and then a bike ride (with April) to the beach in the afternoon. The weather was perfect – cool but not too cold. April, as usual, enjoyed the sights and smells. We hiked to Sugerloaf Dune, the Cape Fear, and then back to the site. We had earnest plans to bike to the beach, but instead sat and relaxed after lunch. Then it was a quick drive to the grocery store for the missing hot dogs (which we ate for dinner).

There was some light rain overnight, but nothing too bad. Our new TV worked well, but the over-the-air channels were spotty. Molly is already planning for a satellite dish and checking future campsites for cable TV.

We spent Sunday at Fort Fisher, walking on the beach (April spent her time biting the waves) and exploring the Fort Fisher Hermit’s bunker. It was a lovely, sunny day. Dinner was pork chops on the grill and more adult beverages.

Fort Fisher Beach
Fort Fisher Beach

On Monday morning we leisurely broke camp and headed home. Carolina Beach remains one of our favorite spots.