* Zero K, thanks to Hurricane Joaquin!

Traveling with Roxy


Trip notes of Molly and Rick with Roxy, our Kodiak Express 172E travel trailer.

Click Here for the full blog.

Emerald Isle, NC

Sunday June 11, 2017

Thirty-five years ago, the Holiday Trave-L-Park in Emerald Isle was the Sapir family's "go to" location for summer camping at the beach. Molly thought it would be a great location for Roxy... and a chance for me to relive my childhood. :-)

We both left work early on Friday and were loaded, hitched, and on the road by 4:30pm. I was a little nervous (as usual), but Molly assured me that things, as always, would be fine. She booked us an ocean-front (well, dune front, anyway), pull-thru spot. It was (much) more expensive* than our normal state park campgrounds. But what the heck, this was the beach!

We arrive around 7pm and all I can say is, "Whoa!" MUCH different than I remember. As a typical "resort" style campground, the spaces were close (basically right next to each other). As a typical ocean-front campground, there were no trees (no hammock). But we had full hookups!

Tight quarters
Tight quarters

We're definitely getting better at setting up... in 25 minutes we were good to go! April promptly found several holes that needed to be dug. Molly made another spectacular dinner — chicken Parmesan (are you kidding me?!?!). That night we took a walk on the beach and April met (and chased) a ghost crab. All in all, a wonderful evening (and Roxy's AC worked perfectly!).

April found the shade.
April found the shade.
Saturday morning, we woke up early and Molly made breakfast sandwiches — Egg McMolly — and we headed to the beach. With her usual foresight, Molly had purchased a beach umbrella for the trip. It was, to be honest, a cheap one from Target. But lots of other people must have seen the same sale. we spotted no fewer than six other families with the same umbrella!

We think April loves the beach. However, she did not like it when Molly or I when more than ankle deep. Can you say "over protective?"

We spent the afternoon drinking and eating lunch, wading in the ocean, and meeting lots of other dogs. Emerald Isle is very dog friendly — as long as they're on a leash and you pick up after your dog!

April discovered that, unlike Kerr Lake, the water here doesn't taste too good! She still yapped and barked and tried to eat the waves. At least she didn't barf this time! **

Molly got a bit too much sun, but it was a perfect way to spend the afternoon. We returned to Roxy for a quick nap. (Yeah AC!)

My beach view.
My beach view.

Later that evening we went back to the beach to fly the kite. The Millennium Falcon was awesome. We got lots of stared and comments as it flew!

Sunday morning was bag omelettes (of course) and another leisurely walk on the beach. Then it was time to break camp and head home.

The good news: Rick was forced to stop for gas on the way home and successfully did it — while hooked to Roxy! :-)

The bad news: Molly left her flip-flops at the beach. :-(

* $105/night + $5/night pet fee. WTF!?!?
** She did, however, have impressively severe diarrhea.