* Zero K, thanks to Hurricane Joaquin!

Traveling with Roxy


Trip notes of Molly and Rick with Roxy, our Kodiak Express 172E travel trailer.

Click Here for the full blog.

Jordan Lake, NC

Friday May 26, 2017

Our first trip with Lisa an Steve (Rick's sister and brother-in-law) since Roxy and Rusty joined team "Rhymes With Paper." We headed to Crosswinds Campground at Jordan Lake for Memorial day Weekend (May 26-29).

We were nervous for various reasons:

  • Rick and I both have (charmingly) judgy siblings
  • We don't really have the hang of "back-in" sites yet
  • 3 days = full tanks
  • Rick's folks were also joining us for a day!

But! Despite our angst, things turned out well.

Friday (5/26) ~4pm: Arrived, backed in (kind of stressful... traffic waited...) set up, and commenced relaxing by 5pm.

Jordan Lake
Jordan Lake

7pm: Lisa and Steve arrived. we interrupted their setup at 8:30 for dinner — "Walking Tacos" — Consensus: Tacos, yeah. Walking, Nah. Perhaps real taco shells instead of individual bags of chips next time?

9pm: Dinner done. Lisa and Steve went back to their site to finish the construction of Tent City.

10pm: Chatting, campfire, declarations of exhaustion... bedtime.

Pre-hike selfie.
Pre-hike selfie.
Saturday: Steve made breakfast: Challah french toast. I am supposed to be limiting carbs, so I secretly had "1st breakfast with avocado, olives, and feta. I only ate 1 piece of french toast — WIN!

11am: Went hiking with April, who Steve loved and catered to all weekend. I twas about mile in each direction, but in spite of the "easy" classification, we were nap-ready by the time we returned.

1pm — 5pm: Lunch. Nap. Dinner prep.

I sent Lisa and Rick to the store for more ice and tiny wines. :-)

Dinner (Molly & Rick): Steak, veggies, Caesar salad. No complaints and requests for "seconds." I twas my night so I'm calling it a win!

Sunday: Steve made breakfast again: pancakes an eggs. I had 1 egg and 1 pancake... don't you judge me!

Harvey and Iris arrived around 11am. We had planned a 3 mile hike for them, but the temperature and the humidity, and my unbearable hot flashes changed our plans. We played extremely in-expert corn hole...

of which RICK was the undisputed champion

and then took naps. Remember the "don't judge" rule!

There were, essentially, two lunches. One of which, if I say so myself, starred chicken salad sandwiches in the style of my own baby sis, Laura.

And then, post-nap, post-lunches, we decided to take #aprilSapir to the beach: Two cars. Four chairs. Six towels. One dog. Five humans. 30 minutes.

April chased and chomped the "waves" until she eventually puked by a wall of rocks. And then... she shat. And so we left.

Sunday dinner... props to Lisa and Steve: salmon, swordfish, potatoes, and mixed veggies. And it was delish!

Who isn't a dog person?
Who isn't a dog person?
Harvey and Steve are both major fans of dogs, but every attempt #aprilSapir made to soften the hearts of Iris and/or Lisa fell short. Sapir girls aren't Dog People.

After a huge dinner and a Dutch oven, in-the-coals, peach cobbler for dessert, Harvey and Iris headed home. By 9pm we were all ready for bed. What a rowdy bunch we are!

Monday morning I made bag omelettes and soon after we were on the road home. It rained once during the trip, but in a non-offensive way in the middle of the night. We used the new electric tongue jack for the first time and we ran the AC without mishaps!

It's looking likely that our tank level sensors are out of whack, despite the fact that we followed the Internet's advice that said to fill the black water tank with ice and water, then travel... to allow "sloshing." But when we parked at home after emptying and flushing and disinfecting, the sensor read 100% full.

Other than that, things went well and overall we're starting to feel less like newbies. Next month: waterfront site at Falls Lake!