* Zero K, thanks to Hurricane Joaquin!

Traveling with Roxy


Trip notes of Molly and Rick with Roxy, our Kodiak Express 172E travel trailer.

Click Here for the full blog.

Medoc Mountain State Park

Friday August 11, 2017

Only an hour away, Medoc Mountain seemed like the perfect weekend getaway.

This is how it went:

  • LOTS of arguing on Friday night
  • LOTS of rain Friday night
  • Late start
  • Rainy forecast
  • Nightmares: psycho-style all night for Molly
  • TORRENTIAL downpour during our already slippery & tough 3-mile trail hike on Saturday.
  • Molly forgot hiking shoes and flipflops
  • TORRENTIAL downpour and copious, terrifying, giant yellow-legged milipedes our our 3-mile trail hike on Saturday.
  • Fancy bread purchased for cold-cut sandwiches lunch appeared to be... forgotten
  • Amazing, store-made breaded, bacon & cheddar stuffed chicken breasts were...
    • hard to cook
    • practically in-edible. Rubbery, tough, grayish in color... YUCK
  • Carefully, lovingly herbed seasoned veggies were uncookable due to rain-soaked firewood.
    • Mircowave failed
    • Oven failed
    • Campfire mostly failed

    Thank heavens for s'mores — otherwise we would have starved.!!
  • More rain Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. LOTS more rain.
  • Something about April's butt was driving her insane.
  • After our near-drowning experience on our soggy hike, April's collar and leash smelled like a rotten butt. With sauerkraut!
  • Campsite, although a "luxurious" pull-thru, was shaped weirdly, so we couldn't use our rug, which = a very dirty trailer.
  • Diarreah
  • No Internet connection available.
  • All of the charging cords we brought failed... both phones were basically useless.
    Note: This was actually fine with me, but it made Rick very unhappy.
  • After Saturday's dinner couldn't be salvaged by fancy cold-cut sandwiches because I "forgot" the stupid bread.... I found the stupid bread in the freezer.

We had to set up Roxy's tent ends, and the canopy, and hang the table cloth on the clothes line when we got home...

and then it rained again, at home.

And so, at the end of the trip, for some reason, I can't stop grinning. Nothing went well, but still, I had a really beautiful and happy time. I guess I'm on this adventure with the right person!